Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Expectations vs. Expectancy

Expectations - something expected; a thing looked forward to, a prospect of future good or profit, the degree of probability that something will occur.
Expectancy - anticipatory belief or desire

Many times, we have expectations for certain events, conversations, situations or even people - how we think things will or should go. Most times, we're disappointed because those expectations are not met. After all, can any person really meet our expectations all the time? We expect a person to respond a certain way. We expect our husbands to do certain things. We expect a situation to be resolved in a certain manner and with a certain end result. However, when we place our own expectations on things, does that leave room for God? Where's the flexibility for God's will to be done? In our minds, we've already figured out how it should be, and we expect it to be so.

As Christians, I believe that we are called to live in a state of expectancy - not expectations. We should be anticipating what God will do in He will lead He is going to move. Instead of putting our own expectations at the forefront of our minds, we should be focused on being a part of how God's will is going to be accomplished in that circumstance. Going into situations with our own expectations will leave us bitter, angry and frustrated. However, if we can approach situations with a state of expectancy, we end up amazed, excited, refreshed and encouraged.


  1. Oh Girl! You hit the nail on the head. It's funny, the more I do this, the more at peace I am in the day-to-day. I have news to share with you, but it has to wait a bit. DH and I pray on every major decision, and many minor ones. But I have to believe that my life is guided by God's will. Unbelievers would think I lead a "charmed" life, but the truth is that my life has been blessed; blessed with love, family, friendship, and security. When things seem shaky, sometimes God gives me a glimpse of the big picture and I am at peace. Sometimes... no glimpse. Just a test of faith. But He always comes through for me. His will be done. And God is the only one who sees the WHOLE picture. Not just glimpses... I thank Him for being in control. I truly do. And I thank Him for putting YOU in my life, even though it is usually in glimpses ;) I sure wish we could hang out more. You are a kindred spirit and those are rare... Love and hugs, my friend.

  2. Wow, well put!!! I agree, I have to believe that there is a bigger plan for me. That belief has helped me get through some difficult times. I also find it interesting that we often have bigger expectations of others than we have for ourselves...that's when we REALLY have to step back and give ourselves a long, critical look.
    Thanks for writing about this, I really needed this reminder, especially today...
