Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hong Kong...WHAT?!?!?!

So, we have Boomerang Network...the network with all the old cartoons on it. We watch Scooby Doo, Smurfs, Snorks, Pound Puppies, Pink Panther, Top Cat (which my Mom remembers watching as a young girl) and many others. One that I had never heard of is Hong Kong Phooey. Emma Grace, my 3-year-old verbal confuser, swears up, down and sideways that the title of the show is Hong Kong Boobie. She argues with me every time it comes on and even sings the theme song, "Hong Kong Boobie, number one super-guy!" TOO funny.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


So, Hanna was a bust. I was actually a little excited to be getting some wet, stormy weather, but nothing materialized. I had friends calling to see if we were prepared...they're praying for we need a place to crash if it gets bad... Yeah...and then...nothing. Sure, we got a little wind (WOW...the trees actually swayed a tad! LOL) and some rain, but where was the STORM?!?!?! Oh, well. I'm not sad that there were no destructive winds, property damage or lives lost, but c'mon! Can't we get a decent storm here? :)