Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where Did I Go?

An old Suave commercial depicted an invisible “Mom” going through a normal day…putting a bandage on a scraped knee…getting dinner to the table…feeding the dog…grocery shopping…changing baby’s diaper (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH8UcZYWwW4 if you want to watch!). Even though it was a hair products commercial, it really spoke volumes about the day-to-day feelings of many mothers.

I have often felt invisible, much like the inner binding of a book. I’m there, holding my family together, yet I’m not truly seen by them. Once upon a time, I had dreams, hopes, interests and goals that didn’t only include the never-ending shoveling of food into constantly open mouths or playing the “Who’s Stinky Now?” diaper sniffing game. I had talents and gifts that I enjoyed using and sharing with others. Many times, these dreams and gifts tend to fall by the wayside as I struggle to keep up with the daily life of being “Mom”. Where did I go?

While dinner does not make itself, the dog cannot pour her own food, the diapers do not change themselves and groceries do not magically appear on the cabinet shelves (wouldn’t that be nice???), we need to remember that we are not only Moms. We are sisters, aunts, friends, granddaughters, daughters, wives and women.

What is your passion? What do YOU enjoy doing? Make some time this month to do something you love that does not necessarily involve being a Mom. Do a scrapbook page. Dust off that old musical instrument, and play something. Go see a movie. Take some time to be you.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I feel you!!! No one seems to notice much when everything is done, but can you imagine someone walking in to your home where YOU didn't exist??? Dirty dishes, nasty floors, dirty laundry everywhere, dirty kids, hungry people, and on and on... We are needed. Sometimes TOO needed. But I think about what I did before kids (not the job - although I did enjoy teaching)... I partied too much. I wasted time doing nothing in particular. My life didn't seem to have much meaning. My family has given my life SO much meaning. God knew what I needed. And now, being a mom, I realize that **I** am the only one who can truly give me a break... And I'm working on that.

    I love your post.
