Monday, February 23, 2009

Stressing out...BIG time

Well, I've definitely started stressing over this move. Up until now, it's just been something on the fringes of my upcoming event that is still a ways off. Yesterday at church, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I have SO much to do in the next 1 week and 5 days. One more church service, one more small group, one more MOPS meeting...I'm down to the last instances of things - already! There's so much sorting and packing to do before the movers arrive, yet I sit here because I don't WANT to do any of it. I like my cluttered, comfy house. I like the friends I've made. I'm almost defiantly sitting if it won't happen if I don't get things done. And, to top it all off, we found out today that the government is changing our travel plans (gotta love the government for this kind of thing...). Yep, my stress level has officially gone through the roof. Our HHG shipment packout is one week from today, and I am in NO WAY ready. I'm not even ready for the destination move packout this Thursday! And before all that happens, I still need to pull out our long-term storage packout items and our express shipment packout items...and whatever I'm going to need between now and when we get our shipments delivered in Hawaii...oh, and whatever Evan's going to need to finish up the little things around the house. I just want to close my eyes, and when I open them, everything will be done.


  1. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you!! I'm sorry you're stressing..I'm going to be rather cliche here and tell will ALL work out..

  2. There is no way to make this a stressless situation, so I just want you to know... if you need me to watch the kids, LMK. Soon (so I can put it on my calendar). If there is anything I can do to make it easier, LMK. Not lip service, Chicky - I mean it!!!

    Make a long list, in the order that things must get done. And every time you remember something else you need to do, add it to the list. And don't try to be a superhero - lean on your friends (myself included, of course ;)).

    Love, hugs, and prayers going out to you and on your behalf.
