Friday, August 29, 2008

I don't understand.

I have an acquaintance...a woman I went to church with in New Jersey...who is a total Obama fan. She changes her Facebook status constantly to reflect how enamored she is with the man. Her latest status says "_______ believes Obama is the best choice for President because for one he gets it!.."A house divided can not stand"..He will unite us and make us strong again!!.." Hmmm... Not to be petty, but IMO, no man can unite a country. Not Obama, not McCain, not Bush, not Huckabee, no one. We as a country have to choose to be united. It's nice to say that "a house divided cannot stand". It's even a Biblical concept! However, unless the people decide that we will be united and make changes in our country toward that effect, no one person can unite us. I fear for our country's future. I'm not a political analyst or expert, but I don't think you have to be in order to see just what's happening in our country. States like Colorado (who passed a law forbidding the publication of any materials that speak out against homosexuality...HELLO...that's the Bible!) are dividing our country just by the laws they pass. In trying to "force" us to all get along, they are ripping us apart. Please tell me just how Obama thinks he's going to fix this!

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